Thursday, July 4, 2019

Ps3 Jailbreak 4.76 Cfw Ferrox V1.00 Cex

Is this a real cfw 4.76 or a cfw 4.75 with a spoof 4.76 ? i'm asking because multiman can run games with this cfw (and usully it doesn't) and if you go to system info into multiman you will se ps3 firmware 4.75 not 4.76... just asking here. Ps3 cfw ferrox 4.80 standard / nobd / cobra 7.3 if you dont know the difference between these three and want a simple cfw then download the standard.. Back in april we saw their last update, and today the influx of ps3 4.81 cfw's continues with through release of ferrox 4.81 standard edition custom firmware by @alexanderss followed by version 1.01 with complete details and changelog below!.

Prepare a usb formatted in fat32. download the file in the downloads .pup below. unzip the '.rar archive and all' internal .pup find the file that is nothing but the custom firmware, ie the update file that we will install on the ps3!. Following the previous updates, playstation 3 developer @alexanderss returns with 4.80 ferrox cfw v1.00 (standard cex) which supports ps3 4.80 firmware with details below. features: built on the basis of ofw 4.80 sony.. Ps3 jailbreak ps3 cfw rogero 4.60 v1.00 . ps3 cfw rogero 4.60 v1.00 console info 2:33 pm. console info. the best ps3 cfw. habib 4.70 v1.00 cex ps3 cfw arrives for custom firmware users ps3 cfw ferrox 4.80 cex. ps3 cfw 4.80 by developer alexander.

ps3 jailbreak 4.76 cfw ferrox v1.00 cex

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